Cousland Village Hall Association

Annual General Meeting 

Minutes of Meeting 20th February 2020

7.00pm Village Hall

  1. Welcome – John Hamilton (Chair) in Attendance - 24 members of the association. 

Apologies -  Mairghead Ellis, Sheena Irving, Douglas Bolton, Karen Fraser, Fiona Dunn, Eileen Busson. 

  1. Previous Minutes:  matters arising: inconsistent speed signage in the village. This was followed up last year by CVHA and Tynewater Community Council. 

Minutes were approved by Ken Carnie and seconded by Carole McArthur as a true record.


  1. Cousland Courier: Gordon, Jean and Kathleen reporting on the origins of the Courier in 2013, its purpose and future plans. Funding has been secured for paper copied for next year.

  • An appeal for helpers to share the editorial work of the Courier.

  • An appeal for regular or one off items of interest including ‘an interview with..’ idea

  • Paper copies to continue with delivery to homes.

  • Ensuring they are GDPR compliant, with a cover notice going out to all those who give  submissions, then copies of the Courier will be available online too.

  • Further views of the community to continent at village cafes.   

The Courier Editorial Group was thanked for all their work over the years.

  1. Chair’s report: John Hamilton. 

John then gave an update on events through 2019 from Clean-up, May’s Caribbean Night, Rugby Events, Gala Day, Bonfire Night/Quiz night and Seniors Christmas lunch & Hogmanay and New Year Walk giving thanks to all helpers over the year making the events so successful. John intimated clean-up date of 18th April -10am at hall with job outside in inside the hall followed by light lunch. 

He updated on the Hall upgrades in 2019 and future plans to complete the refurbishment. He explained the issues causing the delay in the heating replacement/upgrade and the work this year in extensively exploring the most efficient yet practical options to insulate and heat the hall. This has included getting expert reports on environmental and economical reports for best hall heating and insulation but would cost c £60-£70k. Currently we are requesting estimates for Phase 1 which is additional radiators and new boiler and we will look further at Phase 2 in due course.  

  1. Secretary’s Report - Lorraine updated on the re-negotiation of the hall lease in order that we can apply for grants. Current lease expires in 2023. We currently have almost enough funding for phase 1 (as above) but looking longer term we would need grants for the insulation & possible alternative heating systems (Phase 2) Jennifer has been leading on negotiations for the best part of a year however we are being informed that there will be a fee for negotiation of new lease, legal fees from the estate factors and have been advised to seek our own legal advisor. We have never been asked for this before and the meeting agreed that a meeting with the landlord to show the hall improvement, to discuss our next steps and the lease may be in order now. 

Amendments of the Constitutions were made as agreed at 2019 AGM before signing – see previous minutes. Copies were made available to meeting and on Web page. 

Hall use is steady, with more children parties being booked. 

An appeal to hall users groups to ensure they book only the dates for the hall that they require. Everyone is welcome to attend Committee meetings on 1st Monday of the Month 7pm  

Gala Day discussion – some suggestions to move the Gala day back to August opened discussion around Council support & competition with other Midlothian events for equipment, the purpose of the day for adults/ children, the different weather in June & August. It was agreed to open this to further discussion and opinions though cafe, await discussion at Council meeting and continue for June in 2020 & plan 2021 thereafter. 

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Jennifer gave thanks to Kevin for examining the accounts this year. The meeting was able to compare 2018 with 2019 expenditure and income. Brian asked for a breakdown of fundraising /costs at major events which Jennifer gave and suggested these are included in the report next year so the community knew the fundraising efforts of the main events. Gordon noted the miscellaneous expenditure has almost doubled and Kevin confirmed the insurance / music license and web fees all added to the expenditure this year. Accounts are available on OSCR website for public viewing, as is required by law, copies are available from Treasurer and will be put on the web page.   Acceptance of the Accounts were proposed by Lorna and seconded by Carol. 

  1. CVHA AGM Hall user group reports 2020 (available on request)

  1. Election of Office Bearers

All of the Current Committee have agreed to stand again with exception of Helen (who will remain a helper) a proposal was made for the group by Helen and seconded by Kathleen. We welcomed two new members of the committee and welcomed Rachel Moir (proposed by Carol and seconded by Lesley and David Law (proposed by Helen and seconded by Lorraine) Helen was thanked for her support to the committee. 

  1. AOCB

  • Brian - Raised issues speeding along east end of village especially. Some discussion about signage or ‘cardboard’ police. Idea raised about purchasing 20mph stick-on signs for bins etc. 

  • Mike asked if it would be appropriate for a sign at Beechgrove re fast delivery vehicles and dangers to playing children. This will be taken up with Beechgrove residents association.

  • Also discussed was the time taken for uplifts of dumped rubbish – to be addressed at clean-up day. Follow up signs after clean up was suggested.

  • Southfield Road - at it narrowest point the embankments seems to be encroaching on the road and that the steps / footpath has not been cleared of leaves.   

  • Robin asked about Pizza Oven and it was confirmed that it has been donated to a villager. 

Kevin Holmes raised a vote of thanks to the committee and helpers throughout the year.

Meeting Finished at – 21.04

Date of next AGM – Thursday 18th Feb 2021 

Date of next meeting - CVHA new Committee meeting Monday 2nd March 2020 - 7pm in the hall