Village Hall Booking Form
Welcome to the Cousland booking page. Please fill out the bookings form below. Notes and T&C's can be found below this form. First things first lets check availability. Please click on the button below and you will be able to see if your date is available.
Additional Information
Occasional Permissions Bar Licence
Where the sale of alcohol is intended, the Management Committee will make the application for an ‘Occasional Permissions Licence’. Midlothian Licencing Board requires two monthsnotice to process the licence.
The charge for the bar convenor is £50 for the first 4 hours which includes the cost of the bar licence and by negotiation thereafter. Music and sale of alcohol must cease at midnight as a courtesy to the neighbours.
Pre Booking Requirements
Covid - hall hirers must adhere to all Covid regulations and ensure the hall is ventilated.
Touchpoints at the hall must be cleaned including tables / chairs if used
All rubbish must be removed including toilet bins.
Floors must be swept (and washed if required) leaving the hall clean and tidy for other users.
Charges & Payment
Local / Discretionary rate – from £7 to £10 per hour (half for setup /clean up applies to all)
CVHA member rate – from £12 to £15 per hour
Non member rate – from £15 to £20 per hour
Business rate – from £20 to £25 per hour.
*Members of CVHA are all residents living in the designated geographical area as per CVHA Constitution.
Bar Convenor & Bar Licence is £50 for the first 4 hours
Cleaning Service £30.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Cousland Village Hall Assocaition’.
Payment, before or on the day of the event, should be made to: Jennifer McKay, CVHA Treasurer
3 Hadfast Road, Cousland EH22 2QW Tel: 07775 730079
Any questions contact our Secretary – Lorraine Chapman 0131 663 7231