We have some great trades in Cousland.

Support our local businesses


We have many great trades and services in the village, please see below. If you fancy being added to the list just email and we will get it up as soon as possible! Please remember this section is for Cousland businesses only.

ServiceContactPhone Number
B&B (Twin/Double Room)Kathleen and Robin Donald0131 663 1821
Builder & PlastererClark Millar07812 780 017
Child MinderCarol McArthur07814 703 935
Computer Services & DIYTom Morrow07884 125 126
Domestic and Commercial CleaningLisa Kerr07759 101 099
Fencing, Railings & MetalworkerSteve Gilhooley07702 188 692
HairdresserChristine Bolton07909 059 905
Painter/DecoratorStuart Naysmith0131 4549707
Personal TrainerPhil Calvert07525 046 436
Plumber/Heating & Boiler ServicingGordon Dunn07850 246 810
VetBeate & John Buxton0131 654 2266
Website DesignPete McLean07876 561 843
Massage TherapistAilsa MacTaggart07984 593 240
Freelance IllustratorBob Marshall0131 663 2700
DB WoodcraftDouglas Bolton07540 834 367
Flawless UpholsteryIan Sharp0800 756 6284
Flourgirl CakesEmma Bewsey07876 784 874
Holistic Healing TherapiesJane Adam0131663 6290
MouldbreakersMarjory Morrow07726 552 810